Information on XRechnung invoicing for suppliers and service providers

As a sub-central contracting authority, DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH is bound by Germany’s E-Invoicing Ordinance (ERechV) and will therefore process incoming invoices in the XRechnung format.

Similarly to the German Federal Government's Central Invoice Submission Portal (ZRE) or the Online Invoice Receipt Platform (OZG-RE), the valid version of the “Xrechnung Standard” with the published mandatory and optional fields is used here.

Please observe the following stipulations and information

  1. The routing number of DFS is 993-80165-64 and the VAT registration number of DFS is DE114110232 (for reverse charge).

  2. All XRechnung invoices to be sent to DFS must be directed exclusively to the following e-mail address:

  3. E-mails must include only one XML file, which must be created in line with the CEN XRechnung Standard. This XML file is the actual invoice. The e-mail must not include any further attachments.

  4. DFS only accepts XRechnung invoices in the currently valid version issued by the Coordination Office for IT Standards (Koordinierungsstelle für IT-Standards, KoSIT). The suppliers of DFS are obliged to inform themselves about such issues independently, for example here.

  5. Please send all invoices exclusively as an attachment embedded in the XML document. Please also note that any further data or information provided in the e-mail will be disregarded.

  6. Embedded invoice attachments are accepted in the following formats: PDF, CSV, XLSX (Excel), PNG, JPEG, TXT, DOCX (Word) and Open Text. 

  7. XRechnung invoices with order reference must contain the order number 45* or 47* (10-digit number in each case) in the order number field (BT-13 or BuyerOrderReferencedDocument).

  8. For cases in which an invoice is sent without an associated order, the name of the person placing the order must be stated, together with their e-mail address. An organisational unit or cost centre should also be added to this information, if this information is known.

  9. The e-mail containing the XML file and all embedded attachments must not exceed a maximum size of 50 MB. 

  10. On arrival, the e-mail undergoes a format check, which is performed by the incoming invoice system at DFS. Invoices submitted in any other format than XML (for example Word or PDF) will be rejected. In cases such as this, the respective invoice must be sent again in the correct format.

  11. Invoices in the XRechnung format that are sent to DFS in any other form or to any other e-mail address than the one stated above will not progress to the subsequent invoice processing stage at DFS and therefore cannot be settled.

If you are not yet capable of producing invoices in the XRechnung format, please refer to the generators that offer input masks (for example, German only).

There are also service providers that can convert and then send XRechnung invoices.

Before sending an XRechnung, we recommend that you check whether it meets the requirements of the
Coordination Office for IT Standards which are also to be applied to invoices being sent to DFS.

The following link can be used for this purpose:
OpenXInvoiceToolbox - Home Page (

Further information about the XRechnung can be found here:
XInvoice - Coordination Office for IT Standards (

An optimised invoice processing procedure reduces the processing time of your invoice and therefore facilitates on-time payment of your invoice amount as per the contractual agreement in place. The quality of the invoices submitted is a critical factor in achieving a high degree of automation, while at the same time securing a reduction in manual workload on both sides. 

Please also note that the quality of invoices submitted is a key component of our supplier evaluation process.