Recovery of air traffic continues unabated. In May 2021, DFS, the German air navigation service provider, controlled almost 98,000 flights in German airspace. DFS expects further increases in the summer and autumn.
Air traffic in the Federal Republic of Germany continues to revive. In May, DFS registered a total of 97,806 take-offs, landings and overflights in German airspace. After increases in March and April, the upward trend is continuing, albeit from a low level. In May 2021, twice as many flights were registered than in the prior-year month. However, this is only one third of the pre-pandemic traffic volume (May 2019: 301,582 flights). Between January and May, a total of 402,136 flights were recorded - a decrease of 69.2 per cent (January to May 2019: 1,306,342 flights).
DFS, however, expects air traffic to recover and even accelerate. "The traffic forecasts for Europe as well as our own analyses assume a noticeable increase in traffic volumes in the coming months," said DFS CEO Arndt Schoenemann. Especially in autumn, the industry expects a stronger increase in traffic, according to him. "Due to the progress with vaccinations, we are expecting that many people will take the opportunity to fly on holiday again. Because of this catch-up effect, we anticipate traffic peaks of up to 85 per cent."
DFS has developed a recovery plan in order to be well prepared for this increase in traffic. "After many months of exceptional circumstances, DFS is now approaching normality again. This is good news not only for our company but for the entire aviation industry," said Schoenemann. Overall, DFS expects an increase to 65 per cent of the pre-pandemic level by the end of this year. According to the forecasts, the 2019 traffic volume will probably not be reached again before 2024.
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Die DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH ist ein bundeseigenes, privatrechtlich organisiertes Unternehmen mit rund 5.600 Mitarbeitern (Stand: 31.12.2020). Die DFS sorgt für einen sicheren und pünktlichen Flugverlauf. Die rund 2.200 Fluglotsen leiteten vor 2020 täglich bis zu 10.000 Flüge durch den deutschen Luftraum, im Jahr mehr als drei Millionen. Das Unternehmen betreibt Kontrollzentralen in Langen, Bremen, Karlsruhe und München sowie Tower an den 15 internationalen Verkehrsflughäfen in Deutschland. Die Tochtergesellschaft DFS Aviation Services GmbH vermarktet flugsicherungsnahe Produkte und Dienstleistungen und ist für die Flugverkehrskontrolle an neun deutschen Regionalflughäfen sowie an den Flughäfen London-Gatwick und Edinburgh verantwortlich. Die R. Eisenschmidt GmbH als weiteres DFS-Tochterunternehmen vertreibt Publikationen und Produkte für die Allgemeine Luftfahrt, an der Kaufbeuren ATM Training (KAT) wird militärisches Flugsicherungspersonal ausgebildet. Seit 2016 arbeitet die DFS an der Integration von Drohnen in den Luftverkehr und hat mit der Deutschen Telekom das Joint Venture Droniq GmbH gegründet.