square kilometres – the size of the airspace over Germany 
million flights (2023) 
million take-offs and landings – controlled by DFS at the airports (2023)
flights on peak days in German airspace (2023) 

What does DFS do?  

DFS, the German air navigation service provider, ensures safety in German airspace. It controls all aircraft flying under instrument flight rules (IFR) in Germany. It guides them safely, smoothly and as punctually as possible to their destination. At the same time, our aim is to contribute to low fuel consumption and avoid aircraft noise by optimising flight routes. 


DFS operates four control centres in Bremen, Karlsruhe, Langen and Munich. En-route traffic is monitored from these centres. We are also represented at the 15 designated international airports in Germany, where we control all take-offs and landings. In peak years, we log more than three million flights in German airspace. 

How to find us

section of a map of Germany with Frankfurt

What does DFS do for the environment?    

In addition to the safety of air traffic, the protection of the environment is a top priority. By providing routes that are as direct as possible, optimum flight profiles and modern flight procedures, DFS is making its contribution to climate protection and noise abatement. In addition, we pursue a variety of approaches at our sites to conserve resources and maintain biodiversity. This includes the operation of a modern gas-fired power plant with combined heat and power generation, the creation of biotopes or the construction of a commuter train station that also serves the company's Headquarters in Langen.

Local environmental activities


Structure of DFS 

Air traffic control is teamwork. Together, some 5,800 DFS employees at 19 locations ensure that all aircraft in German airspace reach their destinations safely. Here, you can find out more about who works for us and who runs the company. 

Who we are

foyer with people from above

History and vision  

DFS has been around since 1993, ensuring the safety of air traffic in Germany for three decades now. Here, you can learn more about the history of the company – and about what we have planned for the future. 

Our past and future

view from space on earth

Business partners of DFS

The DFS procurement process focuses on carrying out economic and legally watertight procurements that meet our requirements.

Procurement at DFS is both central and decentralised. We are a strategic and operational division and handle an annual procurement volume of approximately EUR 200 million.

This is how you can start doing business with us

two people in front of a monitor