DFS and human rights

Respect for human rights is very important to us. At DFS, we reject child labour, forced labour, inhumane working conditions in any form, such as with regard to occupational safety or pay. The same applies to environmental pollution that has drastic consequences for the population. In doing so, we are guided by the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

Declaration of human rights

Nevertheless, in the event that there are indications of possible violations of human and environmental rights in the DFS supply chains, DFS provides a means for submitting complaints to those affected.


The complaints procedure

Those who are involved in the supply chain or otherwise affected have the option of reporting possible violations of human and environmental rights to DFS through the complaint management system. In addition, you can use the general means of contacting DFS (contact form, telephone).

In principle, anyone who has a connection with DFS can report a complaint. This is irrespective of whether they are employees in the supply chain, employees of the DFS Group or otherwise affected.

DFS will take your concerns seriously and follow up all information with care. Information will always be treated confidentially. In addition, we are in regular dialogue with our business partners and industry associations in order to identify any human rights and environmental risks at an early stage and take appropriate countermeasures.


What happens to your complaint?

  • The information received through these channels will be recorded and the person who lodged the complaint will receive a confirmation of receipt within seven days. However, a prerequisite for this is that DFS has the contact details of the person who lodged the complaint.
  • Subsequently, the human rights officer will check the information for relevance and plausibility. An initial assessment of the facts will be made.
  • Depending on the initial assessment, the issue will either not be pursued further, for example due to a lack of reference to DFS, or investigated in greater depth. In this case, further inquiries will also be made and, if necessary, the person giving the information will be consulted.
  • Irrespective of the follow-up, the reporting parties will be informed of the status of the complaint after three months at the latest, provided that the contact details of the person who lodged the complaint are available to DFS.
  • If an indication is substantiated, DFS will examine possible measures with the aim of eliminating the violation of human or environmental rights whenever possible or of working towards its elimination.
  • To avoid similar violations in the future, DFS will also initiate an investigation of the existing processes in such cases and modify them as necessary.

What happens to my personal data when I file a complaint?
Information according to Article 13 GDPR 

  • Controller and contact information of the data protection officer
    The controller within the meaning of the GDPR and other national data protection laws of the Member States as well as other data protection regulations is:

    DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH
    Am DFS-Campus 10
    63225 Langen

    Arndt Schoenemann (Chairman)

    The company's data protection officer is:
    Dr Frank Schury
    Am DFS-Campus 10
    63225 Langen
    Telephone: +49 (0)6103 707-4220 and -4223; 4227 (deputy)
    E-mail: datenschutzbeauftragter@dfs.de

  • Legal basis and purpose for processing the data
    The purpose for processing the data you provide is to handle your complaint as part of our complaint procedure. The legal basis is Article 6(1)(c) GDPR (legal obligation) in conjunction with. Section 8 of the German Supply Chain Act (LkSG) [German only].
  • Data recipient
    DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH is the data recipient, and at DFS it is the Menschenrechtsgremium (human rights body) of DFS. The confidentiality of your identity is guaranteed in accordance with Section 8(4)(2) of the LkSG (German only). In individual cases, anonymised data may be discussed with other persons.
  • Retention period of personal data
    After seven years, we delete the personal data that we process as part of the complaint procedure in accordance with Section 10 of the LkSG, unless in exceptional cases other reasons for retention (such as ongoing proceedings) prevent deletion.
  • Your rights under the GDPR
    You can exercise the right to access (Article 15), rectification (Article 16), erasure (Article 17), restriction of processing (Article 18) and data portability (Article 20) provided that the relevant requirements of the GDPR apply. If you consider the processing of your personal data to be an infringement upon your rights, you may exercise your right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (Article 77).